$ 66,859
$ 2,197.2
$ 0.9990


An oracle, in the context of blockchain and smart contracts, is a trusted external data source that provides information to the blockchain. It acts as a bridge between the decentralized blockchain systems and the outside world, enabling smart contracts to securely interact with external data, APIs, and other off-chain information.

Key Points:

  1. Data Retrieval: Oracles fetch and verify real-world data and bring it onto the blockchain so that smart contracts can use this data in their execution.
  2. Types of Oracles:
    • Software Oracles: Extract and relay data from online sources such as websites, online databases, and servers.
    • Hardware Oracles: Obtain data from the physical world, like sensors or electronic tags.
    • Consensus Oracles: Aggregate data from multiple sources and provide an averaged or consensus value.
    • Inbound Oracles: Provide external data to smart contracts.
    • Outbound Oracles: Inform external systems about the outcome of a smart contract.
  3. Decentralization: Some oracles operate in a decentralized manner, sourcing information from multiple providers to ensure data accuracy and reduce the risk of manipulation.
  4. Use Cases: Oracles are used in various applications, including price feeds for DeFi platforms, weather data for crop insurance smart contracts, and results for decentralized betting platforms.
  5. Security: The reliability of a smart contract’s execution heavily depends on the accuracy of the oracle’s data. Manipulating an oracle can compromise the outcome of a smart contract.


  • Chainlink: A decentralized oracle network that allows smart contracts to securely interact with real-world data, events, and payment methods.
  • Augur: A decentralized prediction market platform that uses consensus oracles to determine the outcome of events.


  • Interoperability: Oracles enable blockchains to interact with external data sources, expanding the use cases for smart contracts.
  • Automation: With accurate data feeds, smart contracts can automatically execute based on predefined conditions.


  • Centralization: If an oracle is the sole provider of data, it becomes a central point of failure. Manipulating this oracle can lead to incorrect smart contract execution.
  • Data Manipulation: If an oracle’s data source is compromised, it can provide false data to the smart contract.
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