$ 66,842
$ 2,197.2
$ 0.9990

Proof of Stake (PoS)

Proof of Stake (PoS) is a consensus algorithm used by certain cryptocurrencies to validate and confirm transactions on their blockchain. Unlike Proof of Work (PoW), which requires miners to solve complex mathematical problems, PoS relies on participants “staking” their cryptocurrency as collateral to validate transactions and create new blocks.

Key Points:

  1. Staking: Participants, known as validators, lock up a certain amount of their cryptocurrency in the network as a stake.
  2. Block Creation: Instead of competing to solve cryptographic puzzles as in PoW, validators are chosen to create new blocks based on the amount they have staked and other factors, such as the age of the stake.
  3. Rewards: Validators receive rewards for validating and adding transactions to the blockchain. These rewards come from transaction fees and, in some cases, newly minted coins.

How It Works:

  • Validator Selection: The PoS algorithm selects validators in a deterministic manner based on the amount of cryptocurrency they have staked, the duration of the stake, and other factors.
  • Block Validation: Once selected, the validator checks if the transactions within the block are valid. If the majority of validators agree on the validity of the block, it’s added to the blockchain.
  • Malicious Activity Penalties: Validators have an incentive to act honestly because they stand to lose their staked cryptocurrency if they approve fraudulent transactions. This penalty is referred to as “slashing.”


  • Energy Efficiency: PoS is more energy-efficient than PoW since it doesn’t require massive amounts of computational power.
  • Security: The threat of losing staked coins deters malicious activity, making attacks on the network costly and less appealing.
  • Scalability: Some PoS systems can handle a higher number of transactions per second compared to traditional PoW systems.


  • Nothing at Stake Problem: In PoS, there’s no computational cost to validating transactions, which could lead to validators voting on multiple blockchain histories, potentially causing confusion.
  • Centralization Concerns: Wealthier participants who can stake larger amounts of cryptocurrency might have disproportionate influence over the network.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Staking requires coins to be locked up for extended periods, which might not appeal to all users.

Examples in Cryptocurrency:

  • Ethereum: Initially launched using PoW, Ethereum is transitioning to Ethereum 2.0, which will use PoS to improve scalability and energy efficiency.
  • Cardano: Uses a modified version of PoS called Ouroboros.
  • Tezos: Uses a PoS mechanism where token holders vote on proposed changes to the protocol.

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CryptoCurrencyUSDChange 1hChange 24hChange 7d
Bitcoin66,842 0.43 % 0.21 % 9.74 %
Litecoin83.42 0.49 % 0.43 % 4.66 %
XRP0.5100 1.09 % 1.90 % 3.60 %
Ethereum2,197.2 0.23 % 0.67 % 2.46 %
Dogecoin0.1548 0.37 % 0.09 % 7.69 %
Solana177.27 0.39 % 2.54 % 27.79 %
USDC1.000 0.10 % 0.02 % 0.08 %
Cardano0.2543 0.15 % 1.68 % 3.38 %
Tether0.9990 0.10 % 0.04 % 0.02 %
Binance Coin (Wormhole)222.47 0.38 % 4.71 % 3.08 %