$ 66,566
$ 2,197.2
$ 0.9990


Staking refers to the process of participating in the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism of a cryptocurrency’s blockchain by holding and “staking” a cryptocurrency in a wallet to support the operations of the network. This includes validating transactions and securing the network. In return for staking their coins, participants often receive additional coins as rewards.

Key Points:

  1. Proof-of-Stake (PoS): Staking is a feature of cryptocurrencies that use the PoS or its variants as their consensus algorithm. Unlike proof-of-work (PoW) where miners solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and create new blocks, in PoS, validators are chosen based on the number of coins they hold and are willing to “stake” or lock up as collateral.
  2. Rewards: By staking their coins, participants can earn additional coins as rewards. The reward compensates them for allocating resources and taking on the potential risk of losing a portion of their staked coins if they validate fraudulent transactions.
  3. Network Security: Staking helps in securing the network. Validators have a vested interest in properly confirming valid transactions as they have something at stake.
  4. Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS): A variant where coin holders vote for a few representatives to validate transactions and create new blocks. It’s faster but can be more centralized.
  5. Cold and Hot Staking: Cold staking refers to staking cryptocurrency from an offline wallet, while hot staking is done with a wallet that is online and connected to the network.
  6. Staking Pools: These are groups where coin holders combine their resources to increase their chances of validating blocks and receiving rewards. They then divide the reward among the participants.


  • Ethereum 2.0: Ethereum is transitioning from PoW to PoS, where participants will be able to stake their ETH to earn rewards.
  • Cardano (ADA): Cardano uses a PoS system called Ouroboros, where ADA holders can stake their coins to earn additional ADA.


  • Energy Efficiency: Staking is more energy-efficient than PoW mining, which requires substantial computational power and energy consumption.
  • Incentives: Participants can earn a passive income by staking their coins.
  • Increased Coin Ownership: Over time, stakers can increase their coin holdings without purchasing more coins.


  • Slashing: In some PoS systems, if a validator validates fraudulent transactions, a portion of their staked coins can be taken away, a process known as “slashing.”
  • Liquidity: Staked coins are locked and cannot be easily accessed or sold, reducing liquidity.
  • Market Volatility: The value of rewards earned through staking can be affected by the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.
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CryptoCurrencyUSDChange 1hChange 24hChange 7d
Bitcoin66,566 0.12 % 0.90 % 9.04 %
Litecoin83.19 0.16 % 1.33 % 4.14 %
XRP0.5126 0.06 % 1.86 % 4.20 %
Ethereum2,197.2 0.23 % 0.67 % 2.46 %
Dogecoin0.1548 0.37 % 0.09 % 7.69 %
Solana172.24 0.13 % 1.29 % 22.64 %
USDC1.000 0.10 % 0.02 % 0.08 %
Cardano0.2543 0.15 % 1.68 % 3.38 %
Tether0.9990 0.10 % 0.04 % 0.02 %
Binance Coin (Wormhole)222.47 0.38 % 4.71 % 3.08 %